Welcome to ‘The I.S Paper’ a pilot project exploring the experiences of Black and minoritised cultural & creative groups and practitioners in the Royal Borough of Greenwich within the GCF. Focused on the three R’s, Roles, Responsibilities and Recognition. We’ve titled the project The IS paper,in honor of Ignatius Sancho, a Writer, composer, shopkeeper and abolitionist. Ignatius Sancho was celebrated in the late 18th-century as a man of letters, a social reformer and an acute observer of English life. He was an enslaved African who lived in Greenwich from 1731 to 1749. He was the first black man to vote in a British election.
Written and Produced by Tracy Durrant, Viveca Cameron, David Hockham, Eleanor Thoe Chooi Wah Lisney, Lison Sabrina Musset and Dr Pamela Zigomo. Comms and Design by Tracy Durrant. This report was first published in September 2021 © Greenwich Equity Working Group 2021.

Chapter The onset of austerity in the United Kingdom and start of a disability activism published in Global Perspectives on Disability Activism and Advocacy
Part 3 Activism across multiple identities; 10 Our lives, our story: the journey of the voiceless towards advocacy in Nepal Pratima Gurung; 11 Sex trafficking, activism and disability Mark Sherry; 12 The onset of austerity in the United Kingdom and start of a disability activism Eleanor Lisney; 13 Queer-crip.blog: a virtual ethnographic comparison of social media movement-building techniques used by queer and disabled activists

This comprehensive handbook emphasizes the importance of everyday disability activism and how activists across the world bring together a wide range of activism tactics and strategies. It also challenges the activist movements, transnational and emancipatory politics, as well as providing future directions for disability activism.
chapter 16: Pissed off! : disability activists fighting for access in the UK
with Charlotte Jones, Jen Slater, Sam Cleasby, Gill Kemp, Eleanor Lisney and Sarah Rennie
Images of Protest in Social Media for the Virtual Community
July 2015 Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2015)
This exhibition is a collation of images, videos and photographs used in social media for the protest movements in the UK, with a focus on disabled people, during this era of austerity. It shows the importance of citizen journalism when mainstream journalism is said to have ignored the voices of disabled people engaging in protests. This is a look back into the protests held in the last five years of Conservative Lib Dem Coalition government from 2010.
Museums and Technology: Being Inclusive Helps Accessibility for All with Jonathan P. Bowen, Kirsten Hearn and Maria Zedda
Volume 56, Issue 3, pages 353–361, July 2013
Article first published online: 15 JUL 2013
Our top 10 accessible restaurants Coventry and Warwickshire
with Maria Zedda and Sarah Rennie (Connect Culture)
Our Top Ten Accessible Venues In West London
with Maria Zedda and Jaspal Dhani
Using Webzine to Create Effective Communications Between China and the West Christina Li, uiGarden.net, UK; Sean Liu, uiGarden.net, UK; Eleanor Lisney, uiGarden.net, UK. 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Proceedings Volume 10, LNCS_4559, ISBN: 978-3-540-73286-0)
A Comparison of Gender Bias in Art and Science Museum Websites, Rod Gunn, Gloria Moss (University of Glamorgan), Jonathan P. Bowen, Isabel Bernal (eIFL.net, Rome, Italy), Eleanor Lisney (Coventry University) and Sarah McDaid (London South Bank University). EVA 2006 London Conference Proceedings, London, UK, 26-28 July 2006. EVA Conferences International, pages 5.1-5.7, 2006
Gender Issues and Museum Websites, Clara Baiget, Isabel Bernal, Sue Black, Nadia Blinova, Stefania Boiano, Ann Borda, Jonathan P. Bowen, Wera Grahn (University of Linköping, Sweden), Eleanor Lisney and Teresa Numerico. In David Bearman and Jennifer Trant (eds.), MW2005: Museums and the Web 2005Vancouver, Canada, 13-16 April 2005
International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums (9e : 2005 : Paris, France)
ICHIM 05 [ressource électronique] : digital culture and Heritage, proceedings = ICHIM 05 : patrimoine et culture numérique, actes de la conférence / édités par Bearbeitet Von, Xavier Perrot ; avec la collab. de Claudia Schallert, Eleanor Lisney, Emilie Lamy. —
Christina Li, Eleanor Lisney, Sean Liu, UiGarden.net: The UiGarden Project: A Bilingual Webzine (PDF)from Cultural Heritage Informatics 2005: selected papers from ichim05 Archives & Museum Informatics
Disability Culture: the Quest for a Collective Identity Eleanor Lisney. A cd-rom and video for medical students to understand disability culture. Curriculum tool for CHPR (Center for Health Policy and Research), 2004. Demo at ICHIM International Conference, 2004