
East Asian with blue cap and dark rimmed glasses. She/they is/are wearing a black tee shirt, her head is resting on left arm.Eleanor Thoe Lisney

Eleanor trades at Thoe Lisney Ltd.

Founding member and co director of Sisters of Frida,  a disabled women’s collective and Culture Access, supporting access, bringing an inclusive and intersectional edge.

An access advisor, co ordinator extraordinaire, creative practitioner, public speaker, a content writer, previous secretary of NUJ LIBNM London branch. She was on the British Council Disability Advisory Panel and a NAWO and and DAO trustee, and previously Publicity Chair for EVA London Conference. She is on  the web communications team of the International Network of Women with Disabilities,   Co founder of  Greenwich DPAC. A Clore Social Leadership FellowTSIC Advisory Board. Previously on the EVR board.

recent news (taken part or spoken at)


Featured on Daisy Hung’s book D. Hung, I am Not a Tourist: Conversations on Being British Chinese, HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 2025


40 Over 40 Featured on Jenny Smith’s Photos 

Restarted a food blog : The Eclectic Gourmand


Podcast for Disability Arts Online : Disability and …Cultural Identity with Eleanor Lisney and Eric Wu

Launched the beginning of a podcast series  : Between Nasi Goreng and Fried Rice.

Culture Access #GDPIP  ran a workshop and facilitated a cook book

In converstion with Joanna Abeyie about Diversity, Accessibility and Inclusion


Culture Access #GDPIP Greenwich Disabled People’s Innovation Project

ID Screening Co Creation Fireside chat with Bonnie Chiu for Independent Cinema Office  7th September

Article ‘Multiple Identities’ for Disability Arts Online July 08

Building Empathy and Allyship Across Global Teams Jul 05 discussion

Joined as Director of EVR (End Violence and Racism against East and South East Asian Communities)

Panelist at Spring Festival, Moongate Mix, Saloon session #5, 7th Feb.


Joined as Trustee/Director of Disability Arts Online 

Joined the Mayor of London’s Liberty Advisory Group

Part of the London Community Response Learning Reports  

Part of the I.S report by the Greenwich Equity Working Group

Panel Chair : We are Sisters of Frida event  25th  Sept 2021

Video for NSUN (resources for ULO groups) on Sisters of Frida on structure, governance, and ways of working for DPOs 9th Sept 2021

On Panel: Unmasking Inequalities Webinar 2 series that discussing feminist and disability responses to COVID-19. With Fullbright Diversity 25th February 2021 https://youtu.be/wbZIw-CTr4Y


At a roundtable: Institute for Fiscal Studies, Equally Ours and The Equality Trust roundtable: Disability 4th November 2020
Organised #BlackDisabledLivesMatter for Black History Project, funded by the Royal Borough of Greenwich for Culture Access October 2020
Published in Shades of Noir Disabled People: The Voice of the Many, August12th ISSUU edition 
UK Women Build back Better:Actioning promises for women and girls , panelist for Unheard Voices: Bring Back Better for who? 23rd July
Speaking at Webinar: Violence Against Women and Girls, Intersectionality and COVID-19. 21st July
Joined TSIC Advisory Board, July 2020
Attended BCA stakeholders Meeting, 7th July
Feminist Library Webinar: When crises collide: women and Covid-19 on the impact of Covid-19 on women, speaking on the report that SoF published on the impact of the crisis on disabled women, 11th June

Part of Creative Diversity APPG roundtable, 20 May
Help write The Impact of COVID 19 on Disabled Women from Sisters of Frida , May 2020

Ran a workshop Ensuring inclusion: Intersectionality and Disability/Accessibility for Communities of Resistance, Campaign Bootcamp with Magda Szarota , 8th February 2020


Organised the Disabled & Proud Festival for Culture Access on 30th November 2019.
Part facilitated workshop on smartphone videoing, Disabled & Proud Festival, 30th Nov 2019.

Spoke at “What has the EU ever done for Women: Assessing the Impact of Brexit on Women and Gender Equality in the UK” conference (25th Oct) at Europe House
On the panel Intersectionality in Feminist Economics Women’s Budget Group youtube link  (18th Sept)
Attended the APPG for Creative Diversity launch – a cross-party group to identify and tackle obstacles to diversity in the creative sector  (22nd July)
Chapter The onset of austerity in the United Kingdom and start of a disability activism published in Global Perspectives on Disability Activism and Advocacy 
Pissed off! : disability activists fighting for access in the UK, in The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism
Sexual and Reproductive Rights, 11th International Disability Law Summer School (18th June)
Everyday implications of the gender data gap (on the lack of disabled people’s/ disaggregated data). Hosted by Women’s Budget Group, University of Kent (12th June)
Disability + Resistance , Disability+Intersectionality, Kings College London (11th March)
At the Intersection of Activism: Discussions of Gender and Disability, Centering the Margin. Kings College Cambridge (2nd March)
CEDAW review of the UK government, Geneva (26/27th February)
Leading the Movement: Women, Power, & Change : Intersectionality in the Feminist Movement. What is it, why is it important, and how do we achieve it?  (28th January)


Women@ Leadership Day, Dublin (11th December)
 Oxford Women International Society (9th November)
Mentoring for WOW, London Eye (11th October)
ICT4(Dis)Ability: Insights for the Global Disability Summit 2018, (31st July)
– 10th International Disability Law Summer School,  Intersectionality in the areas of women, older persons and children with disabilities, Galway (19th June)
Symposium: Feminism, Queer and Neoliberalism – Critique, Complicity and Complexity (June 14th)
Decolonising Sexuality Festival, ‘Disability and Sexuality‘(9th June)
Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference 2018, University of Exeter (7th June)
-In Rosa’s 10 years celebration publication
– NUS Disabled Students’ Conference, Manchester (3rd May)
Being well :Women of the World Festival at Southbank Centre. (9thMarch)
A Matter of Life and Debt: Women of the World Festival at Southbank Centre (9th March)
Women of the World Festival: a reception at Clarence House to celebrate WOW (8th March)
Oxford Disability Law and Policy Conference 2018 (24th Feb)
History Acts (workshop on disability activism on 20th Feb)
Rethinking Love, Sex & Desire (Consented 20th Jan 2018)

‘How will Brexit Impact Women’s Organisations?’ (Dec 7, 2017)
Meet the Second Source (Dec 5 2017 see Shortlist comment)
Whose Body Whose Space from Around the Toilet Sheffield (Nov 6 2017)
-National Disabled People’s Summit, Hamilton House, London ( Nov4 2017)
-Bringing Women’s Voices into the Heart of Government , Women Resource Centre, House of Common (October 26 2017 )
-Roundtable discussion on women and equalities in the House of Lords. (Oct 16 2017)

Friday Late at the V&A : gal – dem(October 28th, 2016)

in the press

in New York Times: The Real Story Behind Frida Kahlo’s Style, (June 15th, 2018)
in O Globo : Exposição em Londres é criticada por focar na vida pessoal de Frida Kahlo (July  8th, 2018)

podcast about the CEDAW review and the transcript 

twitter @e_lisney

see my portfolio career.